Online Classes every Sunday
Time: TBA
Talk Series Date: TBA
Course/Program Fee: Free
Registration: Required (complete the form below & submit)
Hinduism is not just a religion. It is also the oldest surviving body of knowledge and a way of living. It is broad – covering a wide range of human emotions, tendencies and pursuits. It is deep – it delves into the heart of every human issue in a great detail. It is dynamic – it leaves scope for modifications as per the changing times. It is open – it allows open discussions and debates to understand its core. It has an accommodating spirit – it accommodates opposing views and people. It invokes our thinking faculty, not just giving shallow commandments. It expresses itself in myriad and intricate forms, often interpreted as clumsy, apparently hiding the profound spirit that it expresses. Come and join us in discovering this spirit. It will change the way one looks at life. It will add a new meaning to life and the energy to pursue our goals. It will give us the means to handle the ups and downs of life successfully.
About the teacher: Acharya Navneetji is an IITian who delivers high energy, insightful lectures on a variety of subjects. He has a keen interest in innovation around teaching techniques and has taught a range of audience including teachers from schools, colleges and universities as well as students. He often brings unique perspectives in his talks that are helpful both personally and professionally. Engaged in social projects, mostly in the field of education, he has spent several decades in devotion and service. He has studied the Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and allied scriptures in depth under the tutelage of Swami Dayananda Saraswati. Indian Philosophy, spirituality, alternate medicines & lifestyles, physics, psychology and astrology are the areas of his deep interest. Counseling, guiding and mentoring people comes naturally to him and he uses these skills to have thought provoking discussions.
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